How WeightWatchers Solves Influencer Payment Challenges with Lumanu


hours saved per month on onboarding


in annual cost savings vs using an influencer platform


hours saved on processing creator payments

With the increased visibility and more streamlined work processes that Lumanu provides, we never have to question whether or not a payment has actually been issued. We have the receipts to back it up every step of the way, I can prove that it was approved. And now it's paid out.

Rachel Bimonte

Influencer Marketing Manager


WeightWatchers is a leading weight loss program that uses behavior change, nutrition science, and real connections to inspire lasting weight loss. In 2022, the brand redirected resources towards scaling their influencer program with the intention of turning it into an "always-on" strategy, but quickly realized their payment processor was stopping them from efficiently managing and issuing payments to partners. Previously using an influencer marketing platform, Captiv8, for Payment Processing, their influencer marketing team was running into frustrating issues like lack of visibility into finances and vendor onboarding complications.

To resolve these headaches and provide a better experience for their partners, WeightWatchers turned to Lumanu. With finance tools designed specifically for marketers, communication gaps between Weight Watcher's marketing and finance teams were dissipated. Lumanu's seamless vendor onboarding, intuitive interface, and vendor visibility minimized troubleshooting time and communication delays, enabling WeightWatchers to build long-lasting influencer and affiliate partnerships.

Find out how this strategic payment processor pivot led to countless hours saved on troubleshooting vendor issues, resolved communication delays both internally and with external partners, and led to significant cost savings.


Onboarding vendors

Before Lumanu, WeightWatchers regularly ran into challenges onboarding their vendors onto their payment platform. Creators missed sign-up steps required in order to get paid, delaying the payment process and complicating the onboarding flow. Rachel, the Influencer Marketing Manager at WeightWatchers, ranked the challenge of onboarding partners a 4.5 out of 5 on the difficulty scale. Consistently troubleshooting onboarding challenges, WeightWatchers’ previous solution added extra administrative tasks to the influencer marketing team’s plate and caused a frustrating experience for partners.

Communication and approvals with Finance

While using Captiv8, the marketing team experienced lack of visibility into important finance information such as account balance and payment history, meaning they were unable to effectively manage payments to their partners. They often found themselves running into payment delays as their balance was too low to complete the issuing of funds. Another major frustration Rachel faced was being unable to track down receipt of payment to confirm funds had actually been issued. In order to gain access to payment info to share with WeightWatchers' partners, she had to get in touch with Captiv8’s support team and request remittance info.

In addition to the above frustrations, there was no way to mass pay brand partners, requiring them to issue each payment one-by-one. Due to the dependency on the Finance team for reliable information, payment and communication delays arose, sometimes straining relationships with creator and affiliates.

Ability to scale influencer program

As WeightWatchers’ influencer marketing program evolved, the team found themselves unable to scale due to limited customer support and platform functionality.

WeightWatchers recently shifted their partner payment structure from a flat-rate to flat-rate + a percentage of ad spend. Without supporting the ability to edit payments, their previous payment processor didn’t have the functionality to support their new, more dynamic payment process. On top of this challenge, depending on the platform’s support team for payment receipts and payment status updates meant communication delays and more to juggle for influencer marketing managers. All in all, these challenges meant additional administrative tasks for the influencer marketing team, leading to less time devoted to securing new partners and scaling the program successfully.


Lumanu’s platform, built specifically to help teams overcome the challenges associated paying brand partners, was able to alleviate these headaches for the WeightWatchers team. Today, the previous friction and communication issues between WeightWatchers' marketing and finance team are dissipated. Administrative tasks associated with complicated onboarding processes and compliance paperwork are no-more, allowing influencer marketers to focus more on campaigns and less on troubleshooting. Brand partners have visibility into their payment and receive money instantly after funds are sent, enabling WeightWatchers to maintain strong influencer relationships and a positive brand reputation.

Streamlined payment processes

Lumanu’s interface provides influencer marketers with visibility into all payment information necessary to bridge any communication gaps between finance and marketing. With access to payment history and the ability to download .csv reports in one click, marketing is no longer bottle-necked by finance, allowing them to stay on top of payment due dates and quickly provide partners with updates on their payment.

Weight Watcher’s previous payment solution took 3-5 days to become available to the creator, causing confusion and frustration. With Lumanu, influencers receive payment immediately after it’s issued.

Rachel, WW’s Influencer Marketing Manager, said it best: "With the increased visibility and more streamlined work processes that Lumanu provides, we never have to question whether or not a payment has actually been issued. We have the receipts to back it up every step of the way, I can prove that it was approved. And now it's paid out.”

Being able to bulk payout multiple creator payments at once, WeightWatchers streamlined their payment process and ultimately improved partner relationships.

Ease of onboarding

Lumanu’s user-friendly onboarding flow handholds creators through each step, providing WeightWatchers with all necessary creator information to complete payment upfront. Influencers and affiliates have visibility into what their payment is for and when it will be received. Additionally, they have access to a first-class support team if any hiccups arise. Having visibility to this information directly in-app minimizes questions or frustrations from brand partners. After a positive payment experience, influencers are more likely to agree to extending a contract or working together in the future.

Outstanding customer service

Lumanu’s top-of-the-line support team was a major value add for Rachel. Responding to support tickets within 24 hours and prioritizing customer product requests, onboarding and working within the platform has been a positive experience for both WeightWatchers and their invited partners.

“Lumanu’s support team has been absolutely amazing. I typically receive an email response within the hour.” She added, “I sent one of Lumanu’s support rep’s some product suggestions, and received an unexpected follow-up email a few weeks later walking me through how to use the product I suggested.”

To learn more about how Lumanu can help your team scale and optimize influencer partnerships, schedule a demo with a Lumanu strategist at this link.



hours saved per month on onboarding


in annual cost savings vs using an influencer platform


hours saved on processing creator payments

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© 2024 Lumanu, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Lumanu, Inc. is a financial technology company and not a bank. Lumanu accounts are provided by i3 Bank, Member FDIC.

© 2024 Lumanu, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Lumanu, Inc. is a financial technology company and not a bank. Lumanu accounts are provided by i3 Bank, Member FDIC.

© 2024 Lumanu, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Lumanu, Inc. is a financial technology company and not a bank. Lumanu accounts are provided by i3 Bank, Member FDIC.

© 2024 Lumanu, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Lumanu, Inc. is a financial technology company and not a bank. Lumanu accounts are provided by i3 Bank, Member FDIC.

© 2024 Lumanu, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Lumanu, Inc. is a financial technology company and not a bank. Lumanu accounts are provided by i3 Bank, Member FDIC.